To be placed on the eligibility list, Email by November 1st. If you have not renewed your membership and would like to be on the 2012 Award eligibility list, please pay your membership in full by 11/1/11 with the application below. Please include:
Attempts have been made to obtain eligibility information from several past board members, but we have not been able to gather a complete list.
The eligibility list and OSP nomination forms are scheduled to be distributed to schools during
Outstanding School Psychologist Eligibility Criteria:
Two consecutive years of membership (2010-2012); School Psychologists with five years of experience; and members who have not previously won OSP. Exceptional Experiences, work habits, and connections to youth, parents and staff should be included in the two written letters required for nomination. OSP is a lifetime award. Members of CASP and NASP are eligible for CASP and NASP OSP awards.
If you have not renewed your membership and would like to be on the 2012 Award eligibility list, please pay your membership in full with the application below. Please ensure your check is postmarked before October 28 and also send an email so we can add you to the list. Email by 11/1/11. Please include:
LAASP Membership Form 2011-12.doc
Any questions, please email