FASD.doc (resource to give to teachers, parents, etc.)
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Project Step Up 13 to 18 flyer teen 2010.12.pdf
Continuing education courses are available for free and approved for both CME continuing education credits for physicians and psychologists and BBS continuing education credits for LCSWs, MFCC/MFTs, and nursing. These courses review the most recent literature and describe best practices in the prevention, identification, and treatment of FASDs and include videotaped demonstrations:
1. Identification, Evaluation, and Diagnosis of FASDs. The purpose of this program is to educate health providers in the recognition, evaluation, and diagnosis of individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs). The information presented is intended to help practitioners better identify individuals with prenatal alcohol exposure so that they can be appropriately referred for treatment and case management. (start program)
Educational Objectives
2. Screening and Brief Intervention Training For Alcohol Reduction or Cessation for Pregnant Women: Client Centered Care. The purpose of this program is to assist health providers who do not necessarily have prior experience in alcohol screening and brief intervention. The steps presented are intended to help practitioners carry out the important function of identifying and advising women who are drinking alcohol to cut down or abstain from using alcohol during pregnancy. (start program)