Dear Colleagues:
LAASP is in the planning stages for our 2nd Annual Parent Workshops. The theme for this year is “School Psychologists Promoting Positive Mental Health and Wellness through Education!” Last year Victoria Ruffin suggested that as school psychologists we should give back to the community and the best forum would be a parent workshop format. The consortium was well received by the parents in the community and as well as the school psychologists who presented.
This year, LAASP would like to conduct two Workshops, one in Los Angeles and a second one in the San Fernando Valley. The scheduled dates are December 14, 2013, to be held at Bell High School and April 5, 2014 Noble Elementary School in the San Fernando Valley. As the second largest school district in the country, we felt that it is important to hold this event twice this school year so that we can provide much needed information and support to the families of our students.
This letter is a Call for Presenters for any school psychologist who would like to present at one or both of these workshops Previous topics included “Parenting Skills”; “Cyberbullying”; “Social Skills”; “Gratitude”; “Disruptive Behaviors”; and “LGBTQ”. Our parents and communities are in need of learning how to help their child and understand their child in this fast paced, technology driven society we live in. What better way to help their child navigate the educational system as well as learn appropriate ways to cope with the stressors of teenage years. If you have an idea of a workshop that you would like to present at the parent workshops, please feel free to contact your Unit Representative and or myself.
More information will be disseminated as it becomes available. I look forward to an even larger parent turn out as well as more school psychologists as presenters. Or if you would like to assist with registering parents for the workshops and supporting this important event in some way, please feel free to contact your LAASP Unit Representative or myself.
Beverly Williams, Psy.D.
LAASP President
Unit Reps: Mary Barry, ISIC, Michael Pobanz, North, Sharon Williams, South, Alicia Garcia West and Jenna Zies, East