Breanna Vignolini Demail, President
Jeannine Topalian, President Elect
Troy Xavier Leonard, Past President
Heather Miles, Vice President - Programs
Danielle Reyes, Treasurer
Beverly Williams, Corresponding Secretary
Celia Adame, Recording Secretary
Timothy Taylor, Central/West Area Representative
Richard Danlag, East Representative
Vacant Position, NPS Representative
Veronica Hernandez, North Representative
Jenna Zies Lizarraga, South Representative
Julie Schoenfeld, LAASP Liaison – Honorary Board Member Position bestowed to the UTLA Appointed or Elected School Psychologist Standing Committee Chair
Troy Xavier Leonard, LAASP District Representative - update and gather input from LAASP members to bring to UTLA
Five Unfilled Voting Board Member Positions – LAASP Unit Representatives – UTLA updates
Seble Gebremedhin, CASP Region 4 Representative
Beth Doshay & Christine Toleson, Membership Co-Chairs
Jan Murdock, Scholarship Chairperson
Danielle Reyes, LAASP Word Editor and Chairperson
Fabiana Lamm, Troy Xavier Leonard, Marcella Lightfoot, Chris Ellis, and Shirley Moreno - LAASP Word Writers
Jeannine Topalian, President Elect - Outstanding School Psychologist Chairperson
Behshid Nickpay & Christine Toleson, Parliamentarian Co-Chairs